Sunday, February 25, 2007

My First Experience at Temple and the Medicine Buddha

A friend invited me to share in her experience on a very timely and moving spiritual experience at the Palyul Temple. It was amazing to attend a service where although the primary language was Tibetan, not English, I found the content deeply profound and moving, as if language was no barrier to the simpler truths.

The 8th day of the lunar calendar; Medicine Buddha sadhana

It seemed to be a practice of allowing well being and care of others to flow through and around you. The temple experience was a way of turning off from the routine, to set your vibrational focus on things of greater value and benefit to the self, and the community.. that we all benefit from this ability to choose to apply joy and remove the trees of resistance from our path.

The Medicine Buddha was an experience for removing the resistance and allowing healing empowerment to take it's place.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy New Year!! 2007, Year of the Pig

For the Year 2007, the Year of the Boar (Pig), February 18, is the auspicious Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year starts on the first day of the new year with a new moon, concluding on the Lantern Festival fourteen days later. The Chinese New Year is as important to the Chinese as Christmas is for many Americans.

Here are some fun tributes old and new to the Chinese New Year:

Dawn Mular