I have wondered recently on my journey which strategy is best to break through the health issues-- it would seem to focus attention on them, is to magnify them, but to be aware of them, is to move through them, to ignore them it seems is to be largely impractical... How then does one manifest health without obsessing over the agitating symptoms that get in the way?
Vertigo was my journey this week.. It came suddenly unexpectedly in the middle of the night, the room was spinning and I could barely make it down the stairs. By the next morning I was experiencing little blackout spots from the outside of my eyes in, so I went to the Emergency Room, sensing that if the spots got much bigger, I could faint, and I really wanted to return to 'normal' equilibrium.
I have found some fascinating work out of Australia's Addison's Disease Association on the linkage between Vertigo and Cushings Syndrome. It seems very difficult to either diagnose, treat, or manage this disorder... And it seems the more I read, the more I think I really need a fresh medical approach to resolve this... I sense that the solution that will work for me is right around the corner, if I could only find that corner.
And then I read Erica's Story, and oh my goodness did I relate! Her talk of migraines, vertigo, PCOS, and of course coming up with perfectly logical reasons why the symptoms were plaguing her. Like Erica, I attributed it to 'not finding the right hormonal balance', stress, overwork, over tired, under rested. Working out 3 times a week and eating lots or a little seemed to have no progressive affect..
So I began to think of the natural balance point for this disorder. It is clear there seems to be a direct relationship between sinus problems, vertigo, and glucose intolerance.. Not sure how, but I am sure that they live in a similar block, if not the same house. Summing up another statement on Cushings,
"If the Cushing's Syndrome is curable, or if iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome must remain, these individuals will have to cope with persistent fatigue, muscle weakness, abdominal and facial weight gain, depression, mood swings, and all the other signs and symptoms mentioned earlier. Regular visits to a physician for examinations, blood tests, and treatments of infections and complications will be necessary and are often viewed as a sever burden."
Can Natural Homeopathic Solutions be applied?
Allopaths seem aware of the cause, what of the natural fix?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Lets Cultivate Optimism and Possibility..

At it's simplest form, the paired adding of 2 negative values will never equal a positive outcome. In mathematics as in life, 'nothing from nothing' means nothing, (or less than that even).
As adults somewhere between the ages of 35 and 45, many of us have adopted a peculiar reverse logic that, if not addressed, can cause an atrophy of our dream muscles. If this reversal of values that happens in us goes long enough unaddressed, it seems like the universal law that 'anything that can go wrong, will', proves itself out more times than we might like.
Operative notion 'than we might like':
If we like the ideas of stability, big dreams, appreciation for our work, connectedness to one another, and healthy living, why is it we feel obligated to change our understanding of basic math as middle aged adults to cope?
It could be the task of "being grown up" mandates we be practical about preparing for the worse. Now I am not suggesting blind optimism, but I am suggesting a shift in the headlines that attracts our attention, and the self talk that supports our experience. Truly expectations have much to do with the outcome of our life experience.
As I look through my mail, news, and inbox I see how common the occurence is that we try to rail against a negative value to make a positive impact:
- "Let's stop bully and tragedy."
- "Actor reflects on last days as Tony Soprano "
- "Drunk driving not just Paris "
- "Chained to your desk"
- "Iraq surges towards more violence"
- Pain hurts, lets kill it, medicate it, sue it, fight against it.
- A really popular TV Show is proof as well that nothing good lasts forever and this might be your last break.
- See success is just about waiting to get busted for being your natural self-- everybody does it, and if you have money, you might get treated unfairly too.
- Working hard to earn the right to be caught drunk driving or worse, never getting a chance to get caught as better than insurgent violence in it's extreme danger.
The problem is not the news-- the media is reacting plain and simple to demand. If demand is for failure, pain, heartache, and reasons for societal demise, their first obligation is to profit. What sells? Hard fought success or disgracefully bad behavior?
Here are some alternative thoughts and headlines spoken throughoiut the years:
- "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
~Mother Teresa - "Art, like a garden, must be nurtured and sustained"
- “To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.”"
- They WON friends and Influenced Advancement.
- “An education which does not cultivate the will is an education that depraves the mind.” ~ Anatole France
- Because as with biodiesel, doing good has to be good for business
- As soon as you concern yourself with the 'good' and 'bad' of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.
~Morihei Ueshiba
What can you do today to create and cultivate optimism and powerful possibility? What are you willing to let go of in order for this to recognize it's highest form?
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