- Immensely grateful for the doctors and surgeons, for Children's Hospital and their progressive care of my daughter who is now fully recovered from her febrile seizure in January 2006, and has been completely healthy and is now in the 75% for her age/weight and height-- not just improving but thriving is awesome!
- Learned from experience that direct requests and communications net better results than vague wishes and unexpressed desires. I learned to ask for what I needed, and becoming clear on when I had received it. THEN attracted a few excellent business women who helped me refine my approach. Learned much from Denise Michaels, and her Network Real Women, Real Business, Real Succcess.
- Fear and Optimism seem to require equal practice to maintain, but Optimism has a much better ROI and Fear has a much greater cost on your productivity and a drain to your spirit.
- I learned a bit more about Positive Framing for success and Prosperity Consciousness thanks to Ryze friends Rasheed Hooda and Ernie Martin working with me to consider my business model and Marilyn Jennet allowing me the means to offer her Feel Free To Prosper Program to my HFCN network.
- Thanks to hiring a coach in the fall to help me design a better workout, I discovered a love of challenging and improving my health, and recognized about 2 sizes smaller in my wardrobe by Christmas.
- We launched Helping Friends LLC, a for profit Business and Career Network venture of my dream purpose! Creative Carpe Diem at it's Best!
- Launched the Linked In Helping Friends Group-- a LinkedIn Business Network, A Yahoo Companion Group & Networking Community to extend LinkedIn Capability, and a Social/Business Networking Blog to create a vehicle for using web 2.0 and social networking for business benefit.
- Purchased, Trained and Deployed the HFCN Job Leads and Applicant Tracking System.
- Researched, Published, and Collaborated to produce over 24 editions of the eNews Job Leads Newsletter to support the Job Seekers HFCN Yahoo Group!
- Learned how to use my Gold Ryze Membership by creating and hosting a group called Winning Career and Business Networks.
- Learned the art of day tight blogging, RSS, Feedburning, and Pinging.. Having created a multipurpose blog series for my Work in IT, Career Support for our Job Seekers Community, and a Business Network to support and help bring prosperity to our business partners.
- Learned to take more risks and accept a more traditional and structured business model can still do good work, and in fact can serve more people to create a sound prosperity structure.
- Met the exact life coaches and contacts I needed seemingly as if from the universe itself.. Signficant contacts for Business Development, Legal Services, Finacial Accounting, Recruiter Split relationships, Prosperity and Health Coaching.
- Traded my fear and despair, survivors guilt and personal sorrow for practiced optimism, positive association, and daring to dream.
- Finished "Windows" a tryptic painting about the beauty and nature on a golden afternoon.
- Found my voice to lead others in business, and speak the truth, defining a path for discovering optimism and success out of tranforming the feeling of being stuck.
- Created an awesome "Temporary Logo and brand" for the Helping Friends and got rave reviews for it being so bright, cheery and meaningful! Got Business Cards and Created a Cafepress HFCN Storefront with rotating graphics using the logo to reward referrals and contributions from the community that help others to get jobs.
- Continued to memorialize important events such as 09/11, Corporate Layoffs and Human Matters.
- Got back in touch with my high school best friend, Dora Mendoza-- a beautiful person who reminded me of the genuine kindness of others.
- Created a channel for networking with other women, and in fact, got more involved with business professionals who are balancing success with life, work, and family successfully-- first steps to overcoming my type A personality.
- Learned and Learned to Mentor the notion that Words Matter!
- Learning a few ways to do calendars, and then learned that pretty is not nearly as useful as RSSCalendar.com's XML Portable RSS feed with a functional month view, portable Website view, subscription base and reuse capability!
- Discovered the Browser Based Tool Bar of Conduit.com offers a great community oriented toolbar with a great RSS Change Management Vehicle.
- Learned that my body metabolizes food better when I eat 4-5 smaller meals a day with good proteins. AND as I get more active, my threshold for blood sugar issues gets more sensitive if I don't manage this balance. Also that as I eat refined sugars or bulky meals I tend to feel very full, but crash from the sugar high pretty quickly.. Hmm more work needed here on balance, but good progress just the same.
- Learned that I can manage bouts of insomnia better by not panicking or trying to force sleep. Sometimes breathing meditation can help, sometimes working out early in the morning really agressively can help. Always if I can not sleep at night, I can certainly refresh with cat naps during the day and stay productive and reasonably refreshed. Curious that insomnia seems to be best cured by more activity and less worry about how much sleep you are losing.
- Discovered learning and possibility comes better from the universe than effort... however learning that the type A nature is one that can be channeled more appropriately thanks to reading the works of Pema Chodron, Thic Nhat Hahn, and of course the resonating historic life management message of Dr Jia Gottlieb and a host of priceless mentors that have presented themselves in my life over the past year.
- Discovered and refined my talents for empathy through a stunning experience -- interesting story with a happy sort of ending. Wishing the family well, and learning not to ask why but instead what I am to do as a responsible empath to receive and act on the talent. Then had the pleasure of discovering the Abraham-Hicks learning and that perhaps therein is the solution to how to manage the "what" better.
- Feeling a deep gratitude for the increasing prosperity that is happening in my life, both in monetary and meaningful experiences.
- Appreciating the joy of reconnecting with family you have not seen for years, and some not seen for a decade-- it's almost like opening a unexpected Christmas gift.
- Speaking of unexpected Christmas Gifts.. In the past year numerous teachers have appeared to show me some more of the eastern philosophical approaches to enlightenment, including my first Buddhist Speaker Event with a Tibetan Art Show in the High School that is only a few miles from here!
- I could have the capacity, and great shoes now to run or walk in a competitive event, and am now creating the goal and training to complete such and event in 2007.
- I learned way way way more about web maintenance than I had ever dreamed, and am proud to have learned how to produce my first Shockwave Media for the Helping Friends Jobs and Helping Friends Business Network.
- My dear friend Renee Ponsonby moved from far far away in California to Wisconsin.. Great news! Part of her team is in Ohio, just about 40 minutes from my home.. BEST news!! Sharing dinner and laughs of old times with her is sheer joy -- always!
- I live in as wonderful neighborhood with kind neighbors, and am starting to get to know more of them.
- Got to see Dan Churney, talk about his book, our work, and get caught up on old times.. He looked great, seemed happy, and his work is interesting.. Hope he writes the next book. Capone's Cornfields was his last published work, and now it includes a tour for those who are interested. I would love to take that tour too!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
New Year, New You, Expansive Gratitude.
Here are some of the things I am grateful for having learned and accomplished as I close the book of history on 2006 and embrace a new year with the coming of 2007.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Great Article: Soulful Living Manifesting Your Dreams
Oh what a beautiful website Soulful Living is! A delightful "daily soul retreat".
I signed up for the newsletter and the first was an inspiring article by Suzanne Falter-Barns on Manifesting Your Dreams.
Ever have someone communicate so purely that they attract interest and inspiration? That is exactly my experience with this article. As a newer student of the laws of abundance and dream manifestation, I think the most common dance I encounter is one of allowing or creating the capacity to receive.
Suzanne Falter-Barn's story spoke of the drama of feeling trapped, a story of transcending the limitations of your dreams to really find the courage to be the empowered person you already are!
Her website "How Much Joy" was chock full of fantastic resources as well. This is way too good not to pass on.. and her blog "Blast O' Joy".
Create extraordinary dreams! They are already speaking to you, give them life, energy, and form... living your inspiration!
I signed up for the newsletter and the first was an inspiring article by Suzanne Falter-Barns on Manifesting Your Dreams.
Ever have someone communicate so purely that they attract interest and inspiration? That is exactly my experience with this article. As a newer student of the laws of abundance and dream manifestation, I think the most common dance I encounter is one of allowing or creating the capacity to receive.
Suzanne Falter-Barn's story spoke of the drama of feeling trapped, a story of transcending the limitations of your dreams to really find the courage to be the empowered person you already are!
Her website "How Much Joy" was chock full of fantastic resources as well. This is way too good not to pass on.. and her blog "Blast O' Joy".
Create extraordinary dreams! They are already speaking to you, give them life, energy, and form... living your inspiration!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Gratitude for My Feng Shui life..
It has been such a busy week-- work has been busy, business has been inspirational, and my health is sooo on the upward swing.
Yes, it is fair to say I am feeling very free to prosper, to stay productive at this pace, and experiencing some amazing health benefits too. My 7 year old son has started noticing this transformation and says "Mom, you are getting skinny."
I love working out in Yoga Attire.. and have a whole wardrobe of workout attire to handle my program which now includes some level of physical activity every day. Well after a month, and getting a few inches freer and healthier I have begun sleeping at night again-- something I have not done since January! That itself was wonderful, and then today, while I appreciate the compliments from my family, I have not felt different, and have deliberately not followed the scales around, instead working a program of rigor..
Today while running around getting ready for this busy week, I had to actually GO HOME and change pants because they were falling off of me! That is not at all a problem, but a delight, as the universe is telling me to stay the course, but for gosh sakes, change your workout attire, to something a little smaller!
On the Business Networking Front I am excited to share the Feel Free to Prosper seminar on prosperity with those who are registered to join us. The Blog'o the week is on Business Networking to create Prosperity/Results.
For Job Seekers, I am pleased to report over a dozen new jobs are in this weekend, and more are coming in this week. Those who think they are going to wait until after the holidays are missing out on some rigorous opportunity for sure!
* eNews Job Leads Newsletter.
* eCandidates LinkedIn HFCN Career Marketing Service.
* Attracting Readiness for Career Success.
LinkedIn HFCN Community: Business Blog:
Join our LinkedIn Group and Yahoo Group.
Yes, it is fair to say I am feeling very free to prosper, to stay productive at this pace, and experiencing some amazing health benefits too. My 7 year old son has started noticing this transformation and says "Mom, you are getting skinny."
I love working out in Yoga Attire.. and have a whole wardrobe of workout attire to handle my program which now includes some level of physical activity every day. Well after a month, and getting a few inches freer and healthier I have begun sleeping at night again-- something I have not done since January! That itself was wonderful, and then today, while I appreciate the compliments from my family, I have not felt different, and have deliberately not followed the scales around, instead working a program of rigor..
Today while running around getting ready for this busy week, I had to actually GO HOME and change pants because they were falling off of me! That is not at all a problem, but a delight, as the universe is telling me to stay the course, but for gosh sakes, change your workout attire, to something a little smaller!
On the Business Networking Front I am excited to share the Feel Free to Prosper seminar on prosperity with those who are registered to join us. The Blog'o the week is on Business Networking to create Prosperity/Results.
For Job Seekers, I am pleased to report over a dozen new jobs are in this weekend, and more are coming in this week. Those who think they are going to wait until after the holidays are missing out on some rigorous opportunity for sure!
* eNews Job Leads Newsletter.
* eCandidates LinkedIn HFCN Career Marketing Service.
* Attracting Readiness for Career Success.
LinkedIn HFCN Community: Business Blog:
Join our LinkedIn Group and Yahoo Group.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Affirmations and Gratitude
Looking back on a busy week, I will prepare to welcome next week with a view of goals, manifesting results, appreciation for life.. I am using a http://hfcareernetwork.com/ProsperityBaguaManifest.html lifestyle "bagua" approach to my life.
- Managed Key Work Deliverables.
- Begin gratitude decluttering for Thanksgiving-- on whole house.
- Finish up on available jobs, candidates, splits.
o Extend eCandidates qualification program and process flow.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program bump up cardio, catch up on isometrics, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- Review updates on Criticality Communications Plan.
- Review updates on Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
4. Foundations on Health:
- Nights that I am busier I have more nights of restorative sleep.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
* I delight in possibility and prosperity thinking and am experiencing the dramatic changes in all areas of life! Choose to find a positive in all things and it quickly becomes a habit that quickly transforms and enriches my life experience.
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperity presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
* I drink in prosperity as a conscious choice. I am confident, optimistic and look forward to new challenges.
- Managed Key Work Deliverables.
- Begin gratitude decluttering for Thanksgiving-- on whole house.
- Finish up on available jobs, candidates, splits.
o Extend eCandidates qualification program and process flow.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program bump up cardio, catch up on isometrics, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- Review updates on Criticality Communications Plan.
- Review updates on Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
4. Foundations on Health:
- Nights that I am busier I have more nights of restorative sleep.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
* I delight in possibility and prosperity thinking and am experiencing the dramatic changes in all areas of life! Choose to find a positive in all things and it quickly becomes a habit that quickly transforms and enriches my life experience.
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperity presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
* I drink in prosperity as a conscious choice. I am confident, optimistic and look forward to new challenges.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Spiritual Significance of Color and Political Intent
Our nation is a system of checks and balances. Dominance of any primary for too long is unhealthy, centrally focused on the well being of the whole, we must be able to blend, to mix and produce our best authentic selves with consideration of the diversity that makes up our uniqueness and our differences.
Ultimate power + duration of time + human nature is a primary formula for corruption. This is not because people start out with an evil or malicious intent, but that they forget that there is much to be learned-- there is wisdom in balance, and that for something to truly be successful for the duration, it must be a mix of many different thoughts, cultures and virtues, and considerate of things such as honesty, integrity, moderation, with good heart and mind balance.
We can do many things, if we can stay reasonably rooted in a civility to speak and act our values, without damage or harm to others. To listen, process, and respond, without judgement of right or wrong until the facts are considered.
PURPLE: Secondary Color comprised of 2 primaries. Purple represents Power, healing severe disease, spiritual ills, meditation, religion. Purple is known as the "cosmic" eraser of bad karma, that symbolizes the divine possibility to recover, restore, reform.
RED: Primary Color-- color and energy of the element of Fire. Invigorating fame, health, strength, energy, passion, courage, security, defense. Red is associated with blood (and thus, life and death), birth, volcanoes, and intense emotions.
BLUE: Primary Color--color and energy of the elements of water/oceanic. Healing, peace, psychism, patience, happiness. Symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.
Change is good! Looking honestly at where we are, and deciding to represent that with activity to where we must go... Also good. May we find the strength, courage and conviction to restore civility and integrity, fairness, and opportunity to become Universal citizens, Americans, and then party primary. May we see the opportunity and consequence and make our best decision. May we see that Republican or Democrat, Independent, or Libertarian, our values are steeped in historic tradition, future dreams, and honoring our diversity.
Ultimate power + duration of time + human nature is a primary formula for corruption. This is not because people start out with an evil or malicious intent, but that they forget that there is much to be learned-- there is wisdom in balance, and that for something to truly be successful for the duration, it must be a mix of many different thoughts, cultures and virtues, and considerate of things such as honesty, integrity, moderation, with good heart and mind balance.
We can do many things, if we can stay reasonably rooted in a civility to speak and act our values, without damage or harm to others. To listen, process, and respond, without judgement of right or wrong until the facts are considered.
PURPLE: Secondary Color comprised of 2 primaries. Purple represents Power, healing severe disease, spiritual ills, meditation, religion. Purple is known as the "cosmic" eraser of bad karma, that symbolizes the divine possibility to recover, restore, reform.
RED: Primary Color-- color and energy of the element of Fire. Invigorating fame, health, strength, energy, passion, courage, security, defense. Red is associated with blood (and thus, life and death), birth, volcanoes, and intense emotions.
BLUE: Primary Color--color and energy of the elements of water/oceanic. Healing, peace, psychism, patience, happiness. Symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.
Change is good! Looking honestly at where we are, and deciding to represent that with activity to where we must go... Also good. May we find the strength, courage and conviction to restore civility and integrity, fairness, and opportunity to become Universal citizens, Americans, and then party primary. May we see the opportunity and consequence and make our best decision. May we see that Republican or Democrat, Independent, or Libertarian, our values are steeped in historic tradition, future dreams, and honoring our diversity.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Strong Women Vote, Lead, and CREATE herstory!
Harriet Tubman once said, "I freed thousands of slaves, I could have freed thousands more if they had known they were slaves."
On this Election Day, we honor the women leaders who stand for their beliefs, who speak and insistent on being understood. Of Iron Jawed Angels, and Fearless Executive Women!
"Fearlessness is the most prominent characteristic of all bodhisattvas and all who tread the bodhisattva path. For them, life has lost its terrors and suffering its sting. Instead of scorning earthly existence, or condemning its 'imperfection', they fill it with a new meaning."
American Buddhist Pema Chodron said that "If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher".
Sisters In Resistance, tells the story of 4 women before and after war, and how the timeline of world events, and their courage and moral compass led them to stay connected rather than retreating in fear from genuinely fearful circumstance. These were the stories of four somen who found the courage to speak for their convictions. It was during their arrest and deportation as political prisoners, tthat they helped each other to cultivate a courage and will to survive.
What can we learn about uncommon love, possibility, and forgiveness? What will we speak, and stand, or model to be the peace we aspire?
Friday, November 03, 2006
Prosperity Gifts: Feel(ing) Free To Prosper

Concerned introspection for how I was going to create a new market for the many deserving candidates that needed jobs when my "day job" was demanding the work of nearly 2 people? Now in my new program and life experience, I know to pay attention to words, to create more of what I want then what I don't want in life.
I value the integrity of my work product. The drive to deliver a good work product in my job and my business, was creating a challenge to manage, working several times the normal job of my day job, plus the business, plus my husband has been in Canada, Wisconsin, Colorado, California, and some place else I can't remember in the past month, so I am also single parenting. Somehow the energy has been there for all activities and they have all continued.
The First Prosperity Gift to my life was the Feel Free to Prosper Program. In addition to all other activities, I am working with a Prosperity Coach, Marilyn Jennet, who is teaching me how to overcome unconscious obstacles and create opportunities.
Applying her "Feel Free to Prosper" program, changes started working, curiously in every area of my life- home, work, and business. In fact, there is no other way I can explain the very curious nature of people asking me to do what I already have, almost as if the universe knows it is time to support my network, whether or not I have the time and energy, I will be provided the resources.
Now is one of the best times to refer or be looking for work! After years of trying to perfect our talent for attracting jobs that help our friends, we have discovered the source for making this stuff happen with less personal effort on our part, while still leveraging the power of community, and giving you more access to people who really have great competitive opportunities. Plus in the past weeks, many of HFCN job seekers have landed great opportunities.
This week Helping Friends initiated a serious major and synchronous partnership that will result in quality regular jobs being sent daily. Suddenly the issues of time and sourcing has been solved WHETHER I am available to create direct new opportunity or not!
Two activities underway now.
HFCN's new eNews is coming out in the next few days and we have started partnerships with several excellent recruiters who want to gain access to the resumes of job seekers for great opportunities now. We are just working out the details for how to 'exchange' the leads-- them providing job opportunities, 'HFCN' providing them resumes.. also have found interest in our eCandidates program so all this is very exciting, very win win.
My Prosperity Coach Marilyn Jenett has kindly agreed to bring a customized Feel Free To Prosper program to HFCN. Monday, November 20, 2006 6 pm Pacific/7 pm Mountain /8 pm Central/9 pm Eastern -- she usually sells the series of audio telecourses but the custom interaction is much more exciting-- and for a great price!
I am seeing STARS and I can't wait to see more. Please let others who were laid off know about the network and our resources. We have big plans for programs that give results to job seekers, or those looking to develop their skills where they are! Know of folks looking to hire, put them in touch too.. We are going to make this work! Fun stuff for sure.
Seeing STARS
Job SeekersP , Register as a New Candidate
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Progress and Gratitude for the week...
Looking back on a busy week, I will prepare to welcome next week with a view of goals, manifesting results, appreciation for life.. I am using a http://continue.to/prosperity lifestyle "bagua" approach to my life.
By focus on goals and gratitude for full life balance, I create a powerful intention for energized and nourished daily life. I have blogged on the notion of planning, and living a fulfilling, enriched and productive life.. All is well, and abundant-- getting better and more pleasantly surprising every day!
- Tamed the communications beast- Reduced Email, Managed Address Books, some work remains for Deliverables.
- Radical decluttering released old energy, business challenges created a bit more to be working on.
- Attracting several great new sources for job seeker resumes--great candidates looking for great jobs.
o Launched eCandidates Forum to attract more job seekers, and serve them better.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program 4 times cardio, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- First Draft Criticality Communications Plan.
- First Draft Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
- Explore healthy balanced nutrition (protein carbo mix, natural foods)
4. Foundations on Health:
- Several nights of restorative sleep.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
- More veggies and balanced nutrition.
* I delight in possibility and prosperity thinking and am experiencing the dramatic changes in all areas of life!
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperty presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
* I drink in prosperity as a conscious choice. Problems I encounter only creates new opportunities to bring me valuable lessons bringing me closer to the fulfillment of my purpose, and the enrichment of those I serve.
By focus on goals and gratitude for full life balance, I create a powerful intention for energized and nourished daily life. I have blogged on the notion of planning, and living a fulfilling, enriched and productive life.. All is well, and abundant-- getting better and more pleasantly surprising every day!
- Tamed the communications beast- Reduced Email, Managed Address Books, some work remains for Deliverables.
- Radical decluttering released old energy, business challenges created a bit more to be working on.
- Attracting several great new sources for job seeker resumes--great candidates looking for great jobs.
o Launched eCandidates Forum to attract more job seekers, and serve them better.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program 4 times cardio, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- First Draft Criticality Communications Plan.
- First Draft Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
- Explore healthy balanced nutrition (protein carbo mix, natural foods)
4. Foundations on Health:
- Several nights of restorative sleep.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
- More veggies and balanced nutrition.
* I delight in possibility and prosperity thinking and am experiencing the dramatic changes in all areas of life!
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperty presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
* I drink in prosperity as a conscious choice. Problems I encounter only creates new opportunities to bring me valuable lessons bringing me closer to the fulfillment of my purpose, and the enrichment of those I serve.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday: Goals and Gratitude Day..
Welcome! In this blog, I will journal goals, manifesting results, appreciation for life.. I am using a http://continue.to/prosperity lifestyle "bagua" approach to my life, as I am presently someone that with remarkable capacity and energy for purpose and creation, but often a bit incosiderate of gentle life balance.
By focus on goals and gratitude for full life balance, I create a powerful intention for energized and nourished daily life.
- Tame the communications beast- Email, Address Books, and Work Deliverables.
- Radical decluttering releasing old energy.
- Attracting 45 new job seeker resumes for great candidates looking for great jobs.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program 4 times cardio, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- First Draft Criticality Communications Plan.
- First Draft Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
- Explore healthy balanced nutrition (protein carbo mix, natural foods)
4. Foundations on Health:
- Recovering from sleep deprivation, retaining energetic balance.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
- More veggies and balanced nutrition.
* I feel a delight in transforming poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and am embracing the dramatic changes in all areas of life!
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperty presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
By focus on goals and gratitude for full life balance, I create a powerful intention for energized and nourished daily life.
- Tame the communications beast- Email, Address Books, and Work Deliverables.
- Radical decluttering releasing old energy.
- Attracting 45 new job seeker resumes for great candidates looking for great jobs.
- Complete a Sales and Marketing Plan for the next quarters revenue attraction.
- Health Program 4 times cardio, 3 times weight training.
- Renew and Reconnect 3 Personal Relationships.
1. Attracting Abundant Wealth:
- Affirm Prosperity as my divine right.
- Refine message of intention towards abundance.
- Wealth/Success focus in moments of negative energy.
2. Evolving Self, Career, Work Direction:
- Deliver Performance Mapping.
- Close Calendar for October, Open November.
- First Draft Criticality Communications Plan.
- First Draft Helios FAQ and Comms Plan.
3. Foundations on Knowledge, Harmony, and Wisdom:
- Explore and visualize Successful Sales and Marketing Knowledge
- Explore healthy balanced nutrition (protein carbo mix, natural foods)
4. Foundations on Health:
- Recovering from sleep deprivation, retaining energetic balance.
- Log workouts and metabolic diet progress.
- Choice triggers for awareness during work related stressors.
- More veggies and balanced nutrition.
* I feel a delight in transforming poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and am embracing the dramatic changes in all areas of life!
* I have unlimited choices, with opportunities abounding! Prosperty presents itself in abundant and unexpected ways-- a reminder that the universe, not type A hardwork, is the source.
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