I pride myself on my ability to see clearly and deliver despite turmoil and disruption. When I say I will do something, I generally have the primary and fall back plans in place, but let me be perfectly honest.. the fall back plan is generally me doing alot of work at the end to produce a product that has had inadequate participation. Perhaps for me the lesson is in the choice.
Working late last night because some part of me believes that if someone else fails, I can still prevail on time, on budget, and in perfect harmony. Okay it was a nice thought, but a nicer thought was that card I pulled from the Teachings of Abraham Well Being deck today.
"When you have a problem, a desire exudes forth from you, and Source hears it and answers immediately. Once you remove your attention from the problem, you then allow the solution. Give birth to the question and let it go-- and follow the answer to the flow."
My interpretation of the matter is this: "The problem I am trying to solve is x, the question I ask is how to solve x. Perhaps that is not the problem.. My belief around efforting and earning, paying the price, and work might be the better study, if it becomes my source of grumpiness. Why grumpiness? Because I am trying so hard to make more productive choices, and to allow a more flexible approach to unveil.. Doing so respectfully, realistically, and directly, I find myself grumpy that it seems my objectives are being compromised by others actions.
Maybe I need to ask a different question. In any case, the universe seems to know my needs whether or not I am clear in the asking:
This morning's Abraham Hicks quote:
"Because others cannot vibrate in your experience, they cannot affect the outcome of your experience. They can hold their opinions, but unless their opinion affects your opinion, their opinion matters not at all. A million people could be pushing against you, and it would not negatively affect you unless you push back. They are affecting what happens in their experience. They are affecting their point of attraction -- but it does not affect you unless you push against them. All Is Well"
For today.. For this moment, when I feel the urge to accept responsibility for others failure to deliver, I will instead return to a point of honesty, and speak from the heart. I will also return to a point of gratitude, for the many people in my life that I recognize do create a quality outcome, care about one another and deliver. The problem is not everyone, or even out there, the problem is my attachment to the problem for all it's familiarity.. I am willing for this to no longer be a part of my story. :D
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