I am in Colorado on business travel this week, and getting ALOT done. From my 8th floor window, I have a lovely view of the city lights. Last night I enjoyed the fitness center and a most excellent workout, after a lovely dinner with friends. But one constant is missing-- my kids!
I want to be kind of like Dawn Mular, business person, who has the life style of Angelina Jolie--- who lives and works her passions, and her kids are with her on the trip. I don't want Angelina's filming hours, so I have created a more appealing picture of my dream: Last night I talked to my 3 year old before her bedtime:
“Mommy, when are you coming home on the arrplane to tucka me in?”
Melted my heart, and made me remember why we all work so hard.. Also made me remember that I really like the choices I made to work PRIMARILY from home. Rock on Telecommuters, Rock on!
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