Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Detox Diet, Day 14 What I learned on the path so far

Day 14 of the Detox Diet.. Not so bad, in fact the results have been remarkable. I am feeling 14 pounds lighter, and have lost over 10 inches!! YEEEEE HAW. This is what a half month of healthy and deliberate eating and working out has offered me.

New healthy eating habits I have learned on the path..
  1. Steamed vegetables do not have to be boring! Add imaginative tea and spices to the water bath you steam in, and watch your vegetables transform! For example: Steamed Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Chinese Peas in the steamer-- add Lavender Tea and Chinese 5 Spice to the water bath (also good for asparagus).
  2. For a deliciously elegant potato dish, put roasted red potatoes and green beans in the steamer with 2 cloves of garlic and basil-- add rosemary, chili pepper and green tea to the water bath.
  3. Boil a cinnamon stick in pure unsweetened applejuice, and add that as a base to oatmeal for a deliciously satisfying treat.
  4. Mix 1/2 bag frozen organic black cherries with almond milk and carob for a deliciously satisfying ice cream like- treat.
  5. You don't miss the sugars from great salad dressing with great ingredients. Mix some flaxseed and garlic infused olive oil with a bit of mustard and raw apple cider vinegar for a delicious dressing. Add this to an herb salad with raisins and cashews, and you are not missing a thing!
  6. There is nothing quite so elegant as an heirloom tomato and herb salad... no dressing needed, just a bit of sea salt and alot of beautiful gold and red tomato!
  7. White peaches and raspberries or blueberries makes a delicious pick me up any time!!


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