Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!!

The most beautiful spring weather has graced Ohio. The grass is lush, the flowers and trees in bloom.. Kevin and I were negotiating for WHO would get to mow the grass-- now THAT is a negotiation that will not be necessary a few more weeks in to spring.

Every day in an appropriate day to honor the Earth and care to take meaningful actions to preserve it for the future.

Today is a perfect Earth Day! The first celebration of Earth Day was April 22, 1970 when over 20 million people celebrated and honored the earth that we enjoy. Earth Day is celebrated by nations in over 175 countries. The first event featured keynote speaker and folk singer Pete Seeger performed in Washington DC. Paul Newman and Ali McGraw supported a New York City Event.

It is not just celebrities making a difference. Imagine what happens if one person in one home on every block in your city were to take a few positive actions like that of 6 year old Ryan Hrejlac of Ontario. Those who say environmental issues are out of reach have never considered the possibilities of a child armed with knowledge and optimism that they CAN make a difference! Since he learned at a young age that unclean water was causing a number of citizens of our earth to die, Ryan sprung into action, creating a wellspring of goodness! Today Ryan's Well Foundation has delivered clean water in the form of 266 wells in 12 countries serving
435,343 people!

Why Raise Awareness now?
  • All About the Environment
  • Climate Change Solutions: What you can do right now!
  • Earth Day Energy Fast
  • Ecological Footprint Quiz
  • Embrace and employ Green Career Options savings estimated at a 25-ton per year reduction of volatile compounds could be reduced in metropolitan areas that allowed 4,500 telecommuters to work from home 1-2 days per week! InnoVisions Canada reports that 1.5 million Canadians are working from home more than one day per week.
    • Think large corporations are not considering this option? Think again!
      • It saves the environment, and real estate costs! AT&T saved about $550M by reducing office space and allowing telecommuting. About 1/4 of IBM's workers telecommute saving IBM $700M in Real Estate.
      • It expands the pool of available resources to hire, while reducing relocation costs, and studies have suggested that teleworking 1-3 days/week increases employee productivity by 10-20%, translating into 5-10 telecommuters giving the equivalent of one free extra worker.
  • Green Shopping Tips
  • Planet Green Game
  • Educational Resources- wow an average tv consumes 200-300 kilowatt-hours/year. TV use alone constitutes an estimated 3-4% of the annual electronic usage in the USA tipping the scale at 46.9 billion kilowatt-hours/ year! Or, in a more earthly view, creating approximately 36 million tons of carbon dioxide, a global-warming causing pollutant. Turn off the TV a week a month and rediscover your family! Its good for you AND the earth.

Kids Activities:
Telecommuter Resources:
Dawn: Frappr | Hi5 | Linked In | MyBlogLog | Ning | Ryze | Stumble | Viadeo | Xing | Yahoo

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I beg your pardon.. Here I promise you a Flower Garden!

Stir Crazy from that feeling of wanting it to be spring, but knowing a walk in the out of doors to the shivering daffodils, demonstrates a more chilling reality.

Check out the flower garden.. Click on the URL and drag your mouse across the screen...

May you plant joy like these flowers, where ever you go!

Helping Friends Winning Business and Careers... on Ryze Network at:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What Color Is Green? And finding beauty..

My thanks to Chris Lekander for inspiring this blog!! What Color is Green is a story about finding beauty in being the change you want to see in the world. What color is green to someone who has never seen?

Whether you have the gift of sight or not, may you feel deeply the beauty an joy that exists in the contrasts of our life.

After a long winter, how can I explain the beauty and delight of the emerald green lawn that has suddenly awoke-- of the trees which have exploded in colorful bright pink flowers-- to someone who has never seen? Yes certainly, the gift of life, of sight to see, is a most precious gift.

That story unfolded into a beautiful message when a filmmaker witnessed children at the Kamla Mehta Dadar School for the Blind in Mumbai celebrating the Indian festival of colors -- Holi -- he decided to turn the experience into this poignant and playful public service announcement. Upon completion of filming, he and 67 others pledged to donate their eyes to those in need.

For More Information: