Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kindness: Doing way more than 1 nice thing!

I posted a job this week to a lovely good will, website. I love to post job opportunities and work with people that share my passion for bringing good to others. That is how the Helping Friends Career Network found it's start.. Stepped in a desire to make a difference by showing uncommon caring in a time of frightening change. "We can do it" we CAN make a difference by exercising uncommon kindness, very different from the norm that makes headlines, but creates heartache.

What a delight when fortune graces you with an uncommon spirit that encourages you to be a better person, through their own experience, strength, and hope. Certainly that spirit was present in my interaction with Shmuel Greenbaum.


Shmuel Greenbaum
Coping With Tragedy
Fighting Terror With Kindness

By Shmuel Greenbaum

Kindness has been my personal response to terror. My wife, Shoshana, was murdered by a suicide bomber. She was one of over 100 victims that were killed or injured on August 9, 2001 at the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem.

Sometimes I wonder whether telling my story can really help others. Since, the way I am coping with tragedy is so different than the norm, would anyone else understand it?

Many of the rabbis that came to visit me told me a story about a carpet. "Sometimes you only see the knots on the back," they said; "Only later do you see the beautiful design on the front." I thanked them for coming and explained that I see the beautiful design now. I see the "big picture."

I have always been interested in the "big picture" – in how to make the world better. Since I was a kid, I always liked to tackle these big problems by assembling a group of experts to solve them. As a teenager I designed a system to tap hydroelectric power from the wastewater of apartment buildings. I contacted a local engineering school and assembled a team of academicians to prepare the plan for the US Department of Energy.

After my wife’s violent murder, I began a project to teach people how to be kinder. The project has just started to take off. At the moment, we have more than 30,000 subscribers on six continents to our "Daily Dose of Kindness" e-mail. Everyone who signs up for this e-mail list is also automatically signed up as an advisor. As I said before, I like having many advisors. Right now, I have over 30,000 "Kindness advisors".

Last week, one of my Kindness advisors sent me an e-mail link to an article in the New York Times about how medical researches have found that acts of kindness stimulate the brain in the same place that physical pleasures do. So now medical researchers have shown that doing kindness causes enjoyment. From this you can see one way that I cope with tragedy – I receive tremendous pleasure by promoting kindness.

My favorite author on kindness is Zelig Pliskin. In his book Kindness, he presents eighty-five techniques to find new opportunities to do kindness by improving yourself and improving the world around you. In one chapter he explains how you can feel the thrill of an international sports victory every day if you visualize 100,000 people applauding for you and cheering you on when you do an act of kindness. Studies have shown that our hormonal system has actual biochemical responses even though the victory is totally a figment of our imagination.

Shortly after my wife’s death, I prayed with great intensity to G-d to help me to make the world better. From the feedback I am getting from my kindness projects, it is clear that my prayers are being answered and that I am helping to make the world a little kinder – one person at a time. This feeling of Divine assistance combined with the biochemical responses to my imagined victory has given me tremendous emotional strength.

Join Us!
Be a "Partner In Kindness."
Visit our websites:

English: (Daily Jewish e-mail) (Weekly Non-Sectarian e-mail)

French: (Weekly e-mail)

Spanish: (Weekly e-mail)

Hebrew: (Weekly e-mail)

(Weekly e-mail)

(Weekly e-mail)

Indonesian: (Weekly e-mail)

Portuguese: (Weekly e-mail)

If you would like to do a very easy, but powerful act of kindness, forward this e-mail to friends and relatives. If you know of any groups that are interested in having me speak, I don't charge a fee, other than travel from New York (if I am not already in the area).

Saturday, May 19, 2007

MetroMint.. Turn on a great health habit!!

I grew up in Illinois putting crushed mint leaves over ice in the summer time for a refresher.. so is it any surprise that MetroMint is now my favorite drink.. unmessed with water with a crisp flavor and a bold splash of mint. And caselots is how I would like to receive this from now on.. I love this..

So when I was telling my health transformation teammates about MetroMint, I sent them the URL rather than just sending them to the grocers or health stores that stock this treat. Alot has changed since I went to the website.. I knew about the 3 other flavors, but what I did not know is that they were shipping and directly... AND having free stuff with a fan club.. now that is some product placement I can get behind.

Other flavors I would like to see--- grapefruit mint, ginger mint, and maybe rosemary mint.. This is something the elegant spas should pick up on too!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Abundant thought and creativity.

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
I just finished reading Esther and Jerry Hicks 'The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent". Paraphrasing the most profound statement in the book:

"you begin to see immediate results when you improve the relationship between your 'wants' and 'beliefs'. Disharmony comes from sensing, acting, and lingering to long in the poverty or the 'lack of want' or the 'belief that explains why it won't ever really happen.

Appreciation for a really lovely week.

After a month of blissful sleep I have made peace with my body and my mind can visualize happy thoughts more easily.

The weather has been beautiful and the sunshine on my face as I am cutting the grass, in the summery heat, makes me really enjoy and appreciate my connectedness to this earth, with everything in colorful bloom-- this year splashes of purple, red, and yellow seem to grace the sunny areas, and in the shade there are light airy wildflowers of a pale blue, yellow, and white.
  • I am so grateful to be able to work from home and appreciate this weather.
  • My connection to resources this week has been remarkable for health, friendship, and business richness.
  • I am finding the sleep and health improvements sufficient to find a boost of energy to do more.
  • I am able to really relax and delight in both the quiet time and the busy times..
  • Job leads and opportunities, resumes, and talents are being recognized through our network. The successes seem to be multiplying.
  • I am learning through contrast and transparency... to tell my story as it is, to see myself more realistically, and to make decisions that support my dreams more deliberately.
  • I have also taken the courage to keep quiet until asked, but then when asked, being very frank and purposeful in my desires seems to get me better results faster than the belief system that we are running low on resources.

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