Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Dalai Lama-- Wisdom of the Heart

This is beautiful and practical wisdom...





Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
Sleep is the best meditation.
Spend some time alone every day.
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.
The ultimate authority must always rest with the individual's own reason and critical analysis.

Related News
Finding nirvana - Auburn Journal
Beauty within the pain - American Chronicle
How death led to a new life - The News Journal
Relics of Buddhist spiritual leaders go on tour - Sacramento Bee

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Interview Success Resources

Watching the trends...  One of my friends negotiated a great salary for herself this week.  The key to her success was knowing her skills, and having rehearsed in advance how to manage expectations. 

Here are some recent clips of interviewing and job salary news..  What else have you read lately that you found inspirational? 

Wishing you career excellence!

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Timestamp: 2007-08-12 2007-08-23

interview job , salary ,
Related News
How to Quit Your Job - WALB-TV
Common Job Interview Questions And Answers - (press release)
How much does this job pay? - Globe and Mail

Product Details from Amazon

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Linked In Network Enhancement Groups... - - 10 Secrets of a Master Networker - Part Time Networker: 10 Laws of Leadership - Open Networking and Why the Lion's Lair's so sweet! - Linked In Networking Opinion Piece: Quantity and Quality? - Linked In Connections: 5 Tips and some Resources! - 'Doostang'? and a Classic Sport Fury - In the Words of Motown: "I'll Be There" - Creative Collaboration and Open Networking - Developing Markets with Linked In Partnerships -

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Forward Foregiveness

Forward foregiveness has become an exercise in seeing and releasing the past in proper perspective. Part of letting go, (guilt, shame, sorrow, intense fear, post traumatic stress disorder) involved knowing when to release an experience, and allow the event that once held you, to pass, becoming ever part of the fabric of who you are, but allowing some new and beautiful patterns to emerge. This is not an exercise in rational debate, so much as a practice of radical love.

It had been 20 years since I have experienced the events of that night, and yet like a old sports injury, I found myself reviewing frame for frame, the night I survived a criminal hostage situation-- replaying the events with a critical eye for what I could do if such a horror ever happened again.

  • Could I have jumped out of a moving van, recovered balance, and gotten away sooner?
  • Could I have reasoned with my attacker more rationally and avoided the more brutal parts of the assault?
  • Could I have used my fear more effectively to emit a different outcome?
The 'business sense' that follows surviving a violent crime is intense. Each image etched in my mind, reframed and presented in technical color for all it's graphic violence. Like a Sunday Football Player, I kept that footage locked away for when my game was strong enough to analyze my performance. In the "game" I had already forgiven my opponent-- he was stronger than I, faster than I, and much more unafraid of the consequence of his own actions.

I was attacked by an angry Vietnam Veteran, straight out of jail for attempted murder, in a crystal meth induced flashback. His training, his lifestyle, his very life experience was a study in repetitive fear-- in survival of the fittest- and in kill or be killed because it is all that threatening.

There is nothing 'logical' about the randomness of this event. It happened 20 years ago, and curious that over time, I feel obligated to examine to bring out the performance footage from the far far past to re-assess my 'disaster recovery performance'?

I had forgiven him. Being angry with someone with a propensity for violence in unresolved issues is a sure way to keep yourself stuck. Releasing it without examination is as well. How to acknowledge a horrific event head on and allow it to pass becomes the issue? How to forgive and release the event to the sands of time?

Observe, appreciate and move on. Radical and forward forgiveness is about being painstakingly bold in our analysis and observation. Not regretting the past, nor wishing to shut the door on it, appears to require radical forward forgiveness. It has been 20 years, and I have begun to know a new freedom in the spirit of forgiveness, a new peace from putting aside the remnants of a past trauma--- really putting it away with archival care means really acknowledging it's existence, appreciating it's lessons, but most importantly, allowing it to be part of the fabric of my being.

From this event, I have learned and grown. I have indeed moved on from the trauma that overcame me. At the time, it seemed that living through this event was the worst thing that could have happened. Having done that I have found a new freedom and strength of being making me less susceptible to self criticism. Forgiveness means knowing and seeing the truth for what it is, and allowing it to be part of you-- for good, bad, or ugly-- the best and worst, the darkest and light-- at your essence is still creative you. So what, if the universe has more confidence in you, than you have in yourself, you will find the capacity overtime to mirror that strength and beauty.

My manifest:

  • I trust that all is happening for a reason, and in the ugliest of life experiences, can live beauty.
  • I trust that we have a purpose, and all is well because it is happening on purpose.
  • I realize that we have more control than we give ourselves credit for, and sometimes we try to overexert ourseles in a vain attempt to demonstrate false control.

Dawn: CEOSpace | Doostang | Facebook | Frappr | Hi5 | Jobster | Konnects| Lijit | Linked In | MyBlogLog | MySpace | Naymz | Ning | Ryze | Stumble | Tribe | Twitter | Viadeo | Xing | Yahoo | Zaadz

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dreaming about being the love you want to see in the world.

What a delicious and lovely dream I had last night. In the neighborhood where I now live, present time, I dreamt that we were all looking for something. I dreamt of Amy and Cara, Eric, and Addy, of our neighbors trying to find the art work that was intended to be a young boy's view of the spiritual significance of a 'coronation chalice'-- some sort of elegant cup that seemed to hold him when he was younger, and he spent a life time trying to rediscover that.

Peace and sheer serenity came through when a man, of small stature and simple needs walked through the neighborhood, emanating love and joy to such a level that the dogs and cats, the young children stopped doing everything to observe his techniques and gentle way of being a channel for love. He was dressed in a sort of comfortable brushed cotton monk outfit in red, and walked without shoes, to maintain contact with the earth, and sense where more attention is needed. You must be the change you want to see in the world-- he suggested this with actions so clear that words were unnecessary.

Living by best example, becoming more aware of what is going on, we become more open channels of love, for we are on this earth, a very short time, and perhaps we are looking for the wrong things?

My observations:
  1. Love is all that really matters, and we need to sense and respond in loving kindness, anything else is unpleasant distraction.
  2. We have become so protective of our children, that we protect them from the greater joy that they know even better than we how to be in touch.
  3. Fear is a mighty discomfort, that separates us from the real person we want to be more of the time. Kindness is simple and based upon the regular decision to stay grounded, stay feeeling and love one another.
My questions:

  1. What is the symbolic or cultural significance of a coronation chalice/cup?
  2. What type of holy person was it walking through my neigborhood with bare feet, and red robes? How does everyone just know he is love, and nothing more?
  3. How do we become more rooted in possibilities of emanating love to heal the hurts of our world?
  4. Could it be that inflammation and environmental allergies of sorts keep us stuck in a feeling of blocked-ness? Could we flow love better when we are less attached to the grown up outcome?
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Curiosity Enlightened this Cat. on Healthier Eating

After a month on the detox diet eliminating all potential allergens, we have found ourselves feeling much better. So how do people who choose to live this way all the time do it? I decided it was time to find out.. And here are some resources I found on the path. My husband and I are partners in this activity to learn and discover more about processed sugar and gluten free living.

First on Ning, I was pleased to find some great resources:
View my profile on Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease

Reading More About it:

Some Health Benefits to learning of Celiac Disease:

Some Shopping Resources:

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Day 22 of Whole Foods Invigoration

I heard this yesterday, and decided to stop holding my breath. "Breathe in- optimism, Breathe out- fear."

Day 22 of our whole foods invigoration.
This is the first time my husband and I have gone for 3 weeks without refined food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, milk, cheese, margarine, bread, gluten, malt, honey, and caffeine. This week we reintroduced poultry and seafood into our diet- so far so good, in fact, that little bit of protein seems to make my workouts more efficient.

I am cooling down from a magnificent work out with my trainer at Lifestyles. Jason is great, because he pushes me, just a little more than I really think I can do, and at the end of the workout, I feel like superwoman. Amazing on the lack of sleep I have had this past 3 days, that I have such a delicious sense of well being!

So far Kevin has lost almost 10 pounds and several inches.
I have lost 19 pounds and almost a foot-- no not one of those 2 I walk on, but significant inches!

Yesterday was a challenging day at work, and I never realized how I have trained my body to just do whatever it takes to get me through the moment. I had a network problem that was completely out of my control, and I had 3 meetings today to get ready for. Don't 'they' understand I am busy, I want a sandwich, darn it -- and dessert--- you know, the kind with real bread, creamy horseradish, beef, and cheddar cheese crumbles melted with a sided of aus jus. For dessert, something with dark chocolate and carmel sauce, and a cup of coffee-- that way I can get everything done in my plan, even if the outage got in the way.

Breathe out fear.. I let me friends in on the deep inside joke that is my psyche. I don't like that feeling of being out of control. From a place of sheer fear, I start to make myself and my dreams more verbal-- my health goals, my career goals, my professional productivity... Fear is a bad and wicked spiral staircase to a place that gets hotter, and more rapid, to a vertigo like place.

For me, fear is this deep seeded belief that I will make a mistake in life, so big that I will be left alone, penniless, failing, not a friend in the world.

Breathe in optimism.... Okay so what happens if everything is NOT done on time? What breaks if I need to reset expectation? Only my disappointment in myself for not being and doing all I can to get things done. I am responsible. I am responsible for my best productivity, and most of the time I get alot of things done, within my control, but clearly the issue is my belief that I can control all elements of the business nature, and that is expecting the impossible. I can do many things. I can do more things, by being a little less unreasonable on myself. I am training new muscles now, new disciplines. Inconvenience is part of that training, flexibility is another part, and a muscle well worked, never atrophies.

Breathe in faithful optimism: Miracles DO happen. Dreams DO come true. I have DONE way more than I have failed at in life. I am not unique in my feelings of fear and pain avoidance, I am simply choosing a unique approach that is different for me in that I will laugh at it lightly, to observe it and let it pass.

Laughing at my own neurosis? You bet!

It can not be any more insane than believing comfort food can ease discomfort of a challenging work environment. Part of the faithful optimism view that I have taken however, is that we have immense power and choice-- to retain or release a belief system that serves, or fails to serve us.

What's my next goal? 15 more pounds to go, and then the focus turns to endurance training, and seeing if it's time to get off some of this medication, and find something new to enjoy in place of the trips to the doctors office, emergency rooms, or time spent hiding from the world because I am too hideous, too whatever to be seen. There is a new me emerging, and I choose to get to know that side, even better than my well established neurosis routine. :D