Monday, October 29, 2007

Be Happy--- a friendly reminder


Nice message on YouTube -- Be Happy --by His Eminence, the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche

Reminds me of a similar message via YouTube video, "Don't Worry, Be Happy", that I know and love as sung by Bobby Mc Ferrin.

Both delivered with a joyful serenity
and open invitation to
please, explore
what being happy means to you, today!

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Ahhhh Autumn in Akron!!

October 2005: Seems like only yesterday we were dealing with "our baby" and having just moved to OH. Our first year in the Akron Area, Caitlyn dressed up like a little angel.. She was fascinated by the pumpkins, and promptly destroyed them. :D

October 2006: Last fall my little Angel turned Elmo with the careful aid of her big brother Ninja!

Caitlyn understood the drill much more this year, and was able to keep up with the big kids.

The neighborhood is all a buzz on Halloween night and it is such a happy feeling. Elena and Lee up the street are the owners of the home to envy for every school age kid on the block, with their whimiscal Halloween decorations and craftworks that would make Martha Stewart jealous!

October 2007:
It will be this stunningly beautiful only a few more days!! Autumn is my favorite seasons, it seems to me magical how leaves so green, can suddenly turn gold and the most shocking scarlet colors, painting the scenery and transforming overnight..

This Halloween year Caitlyn is 3 years old Princess, Kyle is 8 an 8 year old Spryo the Dragon -- a favorite from his video games! Today is my son's party at school. Tonight is my daughters party at day care.

I am hoping the Unicef Trick or Treat for others can's come today, as our neighborhood trick or treat is Sunday.. I guess if it does not arrive in time, then we trick or treat Wednesday for the kids, and we take them to the commercial trick or treat for the Unicef fundraiser. Unicef was my son's idea, and a beautiful one.

Sandy Mitchell did a great on feature
on the celebration of autumn in the Akron OH
Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens graces
70 acres of impeccably manicured gardens
against a regal backdrop -- perfect
showcase for the autumn splendors.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Starting to collect healthy holiday recipe ideas

Looking for lovely holiday recipes that are healthy, gluten free, low in white sugar and unhealthy flours, but still imparting the magic of the holidays.

For Thanksgiving our tradition is tradition-- apple cider or sparkling apple cider- turkey, homemade cranberry sauce, rolls stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pies for dessert. I am looking for fun ideas to introduce more healthy alternatives to my traditional menu, while still letting our family and guests know that our meals are indeed a labor of love and tasty at the same time.

Cleveland Clinic Ultimate Thanksgiving Meal Makeover
Lucinda's Gluten Free, but Pretty Traditional Thanksgiving
GlutenFree Girl Blogspot
Karina's Kitchen- Gluten Free Goddess
Ayurveda (Nice Dressing Recipe can be modified-- blend own herbs use GF Bread, etc)
Celiac Sprue Recipes

Recipes I might want to try:

Got ideas? Please feel free to share them!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Feeling Good by Doing Good.. (October Ideas)

October Tiny tips for Terrific Community and World Wellness. The first in a series of Feeling Good by Doing Good Brainstorming ideas. Please share comments or resources you have found with great ideas and hints for future months!

For October: The weather shifts from warm to cool of autumn.. Wellness is a gift that keeps a warm glow of giving, when shared with others leading up to the holidays. Got family coming for the holidays? A dear friend of mine donates at least a family vacation a year to building communities-- homes, hospitals and schools where needed.. There is much more we can do to create this warm glow of giving, and it starts in October, and can carry you through the new year.. This will be our Feng Shui Series of sort of "being" the change you want to see in the world, through tips and resources..

  1. Get rid of what you don't want, to make room for what you do want.
  2. What can you add to holiday traditions to give a warm and meaningful community glow?
  3. Create a goal of gratitude to share and cultivate a feeling of community.
  4. Create a tradition of meaning that extends your good will.
    • Our 8 year old and his neighbors are trick or treating for Unicef this year WITH their Halloween, because some kids don't have the health that they enjoy.
    • For Thanksgiving, our neighbor has a red wagon brigade to collect for the local soup kitchens who need more help and resources than ever in our area!
    • In preparation for the holidays, cleanout and donate to meaningful charities (local shelters, national or global agencies, Salvation Army) the clothing, blankets and housewares we do not use, to benefit those who do not have them.

Event Ideas and Community Resources:

October- ONE Campaign, Breast Cancer, Domestic Abuse Awareness, Unicef.

  • Unicef -- Good potential ideas during Trick Or Treat OR check out eCards.
    • 6 cents provides water for a thirsty child
    • $1 can provide immunization for a kid, preventing measles for life
    • $2 provides nutrition to three hungry kids
    • $17 can provide immunization for one child for life against the top six child-killing diseases: measles, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and tuberculosi
    • $52 can provide 2 micro-filters supplying safe needed drinking water to large families or school
    • $100 can vaccinate 200 children against polio
    • $150 can provide 2,500 packets of Oral Rehydration Salts to help save the lives of children suffering from diarrheal dehydration due to drinking contaminated water
    • $176 buys school supplies for 80 kids
    • $318 can provide a hot air sterilizer for sterilizing medical instruments
    • $450 can supply warm blankets for 150 children in an emergency
    • $581 can provide a Supplementary Dry Feeding kit that can feed 500 moderately malnourished children
    • $750 can buy a sturdy tent for emergency shelter for a family
    • $880 can supply 5 “School-in-a-Box” kits of educational materials for a teacher & 80 children.

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