Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Spiritual Significance of Color and Political Intent

Our nation is a system of checks and balances. Dominance of any primary for too long is unhealthy, centrally focused on the well being of the whole, we must be able to blend, to mix and produce our best authentic selves with consideration of the diversity that makes up our uniqueness and our differences.

Ultimate power + duration of time + human nature is a primary formula for corruption. This is not because people start out with an evil or malicious intent, but that they forget that there is much to be learned-- there is wisdom in balance, and that for something to truly be successful for the duration, it must be a mix of many different thoughts, cultures and virtues, and considerate of things such as honesty, integrity, moderation, with good heart and mind balance.

We can do many things, if we can stay reasonably rooted in a civility to speak and act our values, without damage or harm to others. To listen, process, and respond, without judgement of right or wrong until the facts are considered.


PURPLE: Secondary Color comprised of 2 primaries. Purple represents Power, healing severe disease, spiritual ills, meditation, religion. Purple is known as the "cosmic" eraser of bad karma, that symbolizes the divine possibility to recover, restore, reform.

RED: Primary Color-- color and energy of the element of Fire. Invigorating fame, health, strength, energy, passion, courage, security, defense. Red is associated with blood (and thus, life and death), birth, volcanoes, and intense emotions.

BLUE: Primary Color--color and energy of the elements of water/oceanic. Healing, peace, psychism, patience, happiness. Symbolic of the ocean, sleep, twilight, and the sky.

Change is good! Looking honestly at where we are, and deciding to represent that with activity to where we must go... Also good. May we find the strength, courage and conviction to restore civility and integrity, fairness, and opportunity to become Universal citizens, Americans, and then party primary. May we see the opportunity and consequence and make our best decision. May we see that Republican or Democrat, Independent, or Libertarian, our values are steeped in historic tradition, future dreams, and honoring our diversity.


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